Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Pom-Poms & ARMOR Girls'

Pom-Poms & ARMOR girls' live life with imagination, adventure and a lot of fun. We will follow along with the three friends on their journey through girlhood. Each character has her own personality, likes and dislikes.  How in the world did they become friends?  Follow along and learn how the friendship was born.


(featured on the Spring/Summer 2013 Collection) 

Amilah is our nature girl and sports enthusiast. She loves the outdoors and everything it encompasses from running freely through the grass discovering secret ant hills to nursing wounded animals back to health.  She enjoys sports like swimming and softball. Amilah has dreams of becoming a professional athlete, a veterinarian, an herbalist and a chef.

The tees for Spring/Summer 2013 feature Amilah doing what she enjoys most, being one with nature.  


Pom-Poms & ARMOR Tees ARE HERE

Presenting Pom-Poms & ARMOR tees. Available for purchase here

Amilah and the butterflies

Amilah and the worm

Amilah and the ladybugs

Cairo's Capsule Collection: Little Girl-Big Heels
Information about this tee is here

Real Talk

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Travelers of the Year - The Davis Family

National Geographic Traveler Magazine

National Geographic Traveler Magazine honors the Davis Family with the Travelers of the Year Award. Please read more about the family on Mrs. Davis' blog Globetrotting Mama.

Take a look at their interview on Canada Am

Are you inspired to get up and go.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Sam Gordon is a little girl with a great talent. Check her out.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Weekend Outings- August 31-Sept. 2

Photograph: Nick Turner
Arts, Crafts, Rock n Roll! Make music with the Playground Associates using handmade instruments.
Make Maracas
Celebration Cymbals
Repeats every week every Sunday and every Saturday until Sun., Sept. 30th
Saturday, July 14, 2012 - ALL DAY
Where:  Brooklyn Bridge Park- Brooklyn
Pier 6 and Main Street
Contact:  718. 222.9933


33rd Annual Richmond County Fair- Staten Island

NYC Unicycle Festival- Governors Island

West Indian Day Carnival and Parade- Crown Heights [Eastern Parkway], Brooklyn

BACK TO SCHOOL BASH at Habana Outpost

Habana Outpost- Brooklyn


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pom-Poms Can Be Moms


Pom-Poms & Armor: Pom-Poms are your cheerleaders, Armor is your inspired style. Together, your cheerleaders and your style create who you are.  For some of us, our first cheerleaders were our parents.

Proctor and Gamble created a touching ad by recognizing Pom-Poms through a television commercial promoting Tide and honoring mothers.